I build a lot of SharePoint Solutions that use JavaScript to enhance user experience. Most of the JavaScript I put in dedicated .js files and deploy them to the 12-hive (or 14-hive) in the layouts-folder. Deploying a JavaScript file (*.js) layouts-folder of SharePoint and loading external JavaScript files (*.js) in SharePoint 2007 can be accomplished in a couple of ways.
Archive for February, 2012
Load an external JavaScript file on demand using a Custom Action in SharePoint 2007
February 29th, 2012 Alain
Enumerating SharePoint groups and group members through its webservices using PowerShell
February 2nd, 2012 Alain
SharePoint offers a large variety of webservices and consuming such a webservice with PowerShell takes only a few lines of code:
$SPService = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri ($WebUrl + "/_vti_bin/SomeWebService.asmx?WDSL") -UseDefaultCredential $SPService.SomeMethod()
You can use PowerShell to enumerate all SharePoint groups and save them to a CSV-file without logging in to the SharePoint server.